Make a Difference
Alexandra Kurland: People know me best as the author of The Click That Teaches; A Step By Step Guide in Pictures and many other books and DVDs on clicker training. In June I was visiting with Manda Scott at her home in the UK. 

When I first met Manda almost twenty years ago now she had only recently stopped practicing veterinary medicine to become instead a full time writer. She was working on her Boudica books, a series of historical novels set at the time of the Roman invasion of Britain. Manda’s writing is very much informed by her spiritual practice. She teaches shamanic dreaming. That was the connection we were exploring - the link between my work with balance and Manda’s with Dreaming. 

On our last evening together we sat down at her kitchen table and recorded a podcast for my Equiosity weekly podcast.
In the podcast Manda reminded us that our love of horses is connected to our love for this planet. We are in what has been referred to as the sixth extinction. The news we hear every day is grim, but horse people can make a difference. We’ll let Manda explain how.

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Our Story
Alexandra Kurland: People know me best as the author of The Click That Teaches; A Step By Step Guide in Pictures and many other books and DVDs on clicker training. In June I was visiting with Manda Scott at her home in the UK where we were teaching a new course called "Energy Awareness with Horses". 

When I first met Manda almost twenty years ago now, she had only recently stopped practicing veterinary medicine to become instead a full time writer. At that time she was working on her Boudica books, a series of historical novels set at the time of the Roman invasion of Britain.
Manda’s writing is very much informed by her spiritual practice. She teaches shamanic dreaming. That was the connection we were exploring - the link between my work with balance and Manda’s with Dreaming. 

On our last evening together we sat down at her kitchen table and recorded an interview for my Equiosity weekly podcast.
In the podcast Manda reminded us that our love of horses is connected to our love for this planet. We are in what has been referred to as the sixth mass extinction. The news we hear every day is grim, but horse people can make a difference. We’ll let Manda explain how.